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Donald Parker Wallworth ( 1929 - 2006 )
. DONALD PARKER WALLWORTH (of Alfred11 , of Walter10 , of John9 , of James8 , of Joseph7 , of Thomas6 , of Thomas5 , of John4 , of Thomas3 , of Thomas2 , of Thomas1 ).
Father: Alfred Herbert Wallworth (No. )
Mother: Mildred Jane Nairn
The above is a Photograph of Don Wallworth with his friends when they visited Coney Island, New York (and an enlargement of Don himself). This photograph was taken after he got out of the service with the CIA and came back to the United States. Picture taken perhaps 1953-1955.
The following is a copy of the obituary that we made for him. A full history of him and his wife will be made later.
Died August 5, 2006 Saturday
During the Korean War, while in the U.S. Army being trained for combat duty, Don was reassigned to the new Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Don served a few years in the CIA complex in Griesheim near CIA Headquarters in Frankfurt, West Germany. This was at the height of the Cold War against the Soviet Union and East Germany.
Before the war, Don started his long career with the railroads at the Eire Railroad in 1949 as a clerk. After his military service, he returned to work for the railroads.
During all these changes, Don Wallworth moved up the ranks and by 1983 he became the Superintendent of Stations. He was responsible for all the train stations in the northern half of New Jersey. Don retired in 1990.
He took thousands of photographs and slides of trains and locomotives from the 1940s to the 1990s and he took many trips to the southwest of the United States and across the border to Mexico since he likes the locomotive and trains of Mexico too.
Last updated February 20, 2008 Wednesday 8:26 PM
Researched and Compiled by William Wallworth
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